Evaluations, Interventions & Consultations

What You Need for an Assessment/Evaluation or Treatment:
Photo ID
Insurance Card (we are in network with all major insurance carriers)
Please call ahead of time for a complimentary benefits check.
Each individual is assessed by a licensed Chemical Dependency Professional (CDP) per the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) criteria, and level of treatment determined by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) Second Edition Revised Patient Placement Criteria (PPC-ZR). Our evaluations covers all major areas of an individuals life to help with diagnosis and to identify treatment needs.
Intake Post-Evaluation
At the time of a treatment set up, a CDP in tandem with the patient identify crucial issues to address during treatment. These issues are recorded in a Master Problem List (MPL) and an initial Individual Service Plan (ISP) is created. Patients are case managed to meet WAC-388-877requirements and include individual counseling sessions, urinalysis, and level of care re-assessments.
If you are visiting our site for legal reasons, our DUI and Legal Support Services page will help you navigate your legal options.
Whether you are individual concerned about an addiction, or someone concerned about the addiction of a loved one, Riverside Recovery Center offers free consultations at our offices.
From there, an evaluation or referral (legal assessment, inpatient) can be scheduled if necessary. Riverside Recovery Center is here to help with the recovery needs of individuals suffering from addiction.
Please contact us to schedule a consultation.
It is a myth that an addict must hit bottom or want help in order to be helped. Most addiction specialists agree that intervention, properly conducted, can reach many very resistant addicts and start them on the path to recovery.
Many patients enter treatment still in denial of their addiction but are able to break through it while in treatment and achieve successful recovery. In fact, patients facing impending loss of employment, health, and important relationships succeed in treatment more often than those who have already suffered such losses. Even where other methods have failed and an addict continues to refuse help, intervention can succeed in motivating them to enter treatment for their disease.
Simply put, intervention is a carefully planned process wherein a group of people who care about the addict – family, coworkers, physician, and/or a professional intervention team – create a caring confrontation that forces the addict to look squarely at the damage their addiction has created. Intervention includes discussion of the treatment options available and a plan to act immediately upon a treatment decision.
If an intervention seems necessary, we are available for free consultations to help with the appropriate course of action. Riverside Recovery Center can also help by contracting an experienced intervention team, or having the addict and family/significant other gather at our location. We have several outpatient programs available and inpatient referrals.
Contact us today to initiate an intervention.