Suboxone Treatment

Brief Overview of Our Medically Managed Programs
Riverside Recovery Center has been providing Suboxone treatment since 2010. We have helped thousands of our patients live healthier, more productive, and connected lives via recovery. Our philosophy is an amalgamation of harm reduction and abstinence models.
In order to enter our buprenorphine (Suboxone/Subutex) or Vivitrol (naltrexone; full opioid agonist/blocker) programs, clients must be diagnosed as Opiate Dependent per the Revised Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th Edition (DSM-IV-TR). Subsequent to a chemical dependency evaluation at our agency, an appointment will be made with one of our federally approved buprenorphine or Vivitrol prescribing physicians to prescribe one of the aforementioned detoxification stabilization medications.
Thereafter, the prescribing physician and our agency professionals work as a team to ensure optimal best practice care. This includes group and individual therapy along with urinalyses to ensure abstinence accountability.
Individual needs are identified via our bio-psycho-social-spiritual assessment and patient self-disclosure. A Primary Counselor prioritizes a patients issues according to Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. Thereafter, the counselor works with the patient in order to review and begin the process of rehabilitation. The patient’s a specialized recovery program is updated as needed throughout treatment. Individuals must remain compliant with all program requirements.
If a patient is noncompliant, the assigned Primary Counselor will exercise due diligence in order to assist with compliant treatment engagement. His or her prescribing physician will be notified of any noncompliance issues and prescriptions will cease until he or she return to compliance. Should noncompliance persist, a patient’s case will be discussed with the possible outcome being more intensive outpatient care. Or, discharge with a higher level of care recommendation (e.g. residential or inpatient treatment).
Pregnancy Panel and Pregnant Patients
Riverside Recovery Center has a team to work with pregnant patients who are dealing with opioid addiction. The team is being lead by Dr. Sidhu, Riverside’s Medical Director, who is also an obstetrician. Along with Dr. Sidhu, our Clinical Director and several primary counselors will contribute to the panel. Our Pregnancy Panel are dedicated and compassionate practitioners who want to be the facilitators of change.
The panel works to ensure compliant engagement with patients, as well as to work with patients to ensure the safety of both the mother and child. With pregnant patients, it’s important to work with them to ensure a safe pregnancy, safe delivery and successful parenting following the birth. Opioid addiction during pregnancy produces unique challenges for patients and Riverside Recovery Center wants to ensure success for both mother and child.
Urinalysis (UA)
We regularly conduct urinalysis to ensure overall compliance and adherence to treatment.
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It’s never too late to start over and get your life back on track. Contact us today for a confidential and no commitment consultation.