Vivitrol Treatment

Vivitrol Treatment Center
Vivitrol treatment isn’t always the first option offered for opioid addiction. Many recovery clinics rely on buprenorphine (Suboxone) and methadone treatments for opioid use disorders. But Vivitrol has long-lasting benefits that make it more effective over the long-term. Vivitrol has been around for more than a decade. But its recognition as an effective treatment for opioid and alcohol addiction is more recent.
How Opioid Addiction Works
Opioids are synthetic forms of opiates, which come from the poppy plant. The synthetics produce similar effects to the poppy-derived opiates. When used as prescription painkillers, they are very effective. Some people become addicted when they fail to take their prescriptions correctly.
Opioids work by engaging the pain receptors in the brain to dull the sensation of pain. At the same time, this creates feelings of euphoria. After repeated use, the brain becomes dependent on the drugs to produce the same euphoric feelings. The cravings the person has for the drug continue through withdrawal, recovery, and beyond. Cravings are the reason that people relapse long after completing addiction treatment.
What Is Vivitrol?
Vivitrol is the extended-release form of naltrexone. It is an opioid antagonist that binds to the opioid receptors in the brain. Unlike opioids, Vivitrol doesn’t trigger the release of dopamine, the natural brain chemical that causes the feelings of euphoria. For people who worry that methadone clinics are just ‘trading one addiction for another’ a Vivitrol clinic is a better alternative. Vivitrol is non-addictive and it doesn’t lead to physical dependence. It helps reduce cravings and prevent relapse without the use of another controlled substance.
Vivitrol treatment centers combine Vivitrol treatment with counseling for a comprehensive approach to recovery. Vivitrol is given by injection into the gluteal muscles. Treatment doesn’t start until after withdrawal, usually within seven to fourteen days after all of the opioids are out of the system. Following the first injection, subsequent injections are given once every month.
Only medical professionals should administer Vivitrol and oversee Vivitrol treatment to ensure its safety. It can react adversely with other addiction treatment drugs. Also, using it before detox is completed can result in severe withdrawal symptoms. A physician with in-depth experience using Vivitrol knows how and when to provide injections.
Is Vivitrol Treatment Right for You?
Making the choice to get addiction treatment is one of the hardest decisions a person will ever have to make. Those who assume formal treatment in a rehab facility will have to step away from everything else in their lives. Many experts recommend inpatient treatment to get the full benefits of an addiction program. But many people can’t walk away from their work, family, and everything that matters in their lives to focus on treatment.
Combining Vivitrol treatment with therapy in a quality outpatient program is a solution that works for many people. Vivitrol provides a short-term and long-term tool that helps individuals meet their recovery goals. In most cases, experts recommend using Vivitrol for a year or longer. One of the major benefits of Vivitrol is that it only needs to be administered once per month. The effects continue once you leave the Vivitrol clinic and stay with you for a full month. This makes it easier to lead a normal life without being subject to constant medical oversight.
Where Can I Find Vivitrol Doctors Near Me?
The simplest way to find Vivitrol treatment centers is to search online. Just enter “Vivitrol treatment Your Location” to find the clinics closest to you. An outpatient Vivitrol clinic close to your home will provide you with the professional supervision you need for a successful recovery.
Contact Riverside Recovery Center to learn more about the benefits of Vivitrol treatment for opioid and alcohol addiction. Vivitrol could be the solution you’ve been waiting for!